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Through the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, we can guide and set requirements for new development to ensure that climate change mitigation and adaptation is addressed wherever possible. Are located in areas identified as suitable for renewable energy development in the technical maps (to be included in the Appendices of the Local Plan); orb. Mitigation primarily means minimising greenhouse gas emissions from the development. The Council has identified ten themes and associated issues, constraints and opportunities relevant to: the development of sustainable and integrated proposals for a NNB development, and the minimisation of impacts on our local communities and environment, and the maximisation of positive outcomes, community benefits and legacy. The Council proposes a new approach to parking standards that better reflects the changes that we need to make in how we live and work in the future in order for us to live more sustainably. The most recent 'call for sites' is now closed and ran from 7 July 2020 to 20 October 2020. However, if unforeseen changes in the project occur, such as a delay in the provision of supporting infrastructure, these peak numbers may be sustained over a longer period of time. Both positive and negative effects are therefore addressed in the table of themes and issues, set out in the supporting text. We want to deal positively with future expansion, by planning in a sustainable and integrated way to deliver high quality life-time and affordable homes, a dynamic local economy which supports forward-looking employment opportunities, key local community facilities and a convenient and safe transport network, which meets the needs and aspirations of both existing and new communities. Fossil fuel based energy installations will no longer be acceptable. We have a valued heritage and green spaces and businesses that command high ambition and a presence on the global stage. The Local Development Guide was presented and adopted at Gloucestershire County Council's Cabinet meeting on 24 March 2021. It is essential that adaptation measures are considered at the outset of the decision making process, including the location and initial concept of the development, and also that current and anticipated impacts are taken into account. There are approximately 6,000 children living in poverty in South Gloucestershire, and many more are vulnerable on account of learning difficulties, disability or circumstances influenced by their race or gender. Through our active role in the West of England Combined Authority and the Western Gateway powerhouse, we have demonstrated how we can work effectively with neighbouring authorities and others to deliver improved outcomes for the wider region. You can access the document and information produced to support the Phase 1 document below. Mineral Extraction, Working and Restoration, 11. An explanation as to how any necessary Environmental Impact Assessment requirements will be met and Habitats Regulations compliance achieved, should accompany the strategic masterplan and individual proposals for the site. This should include consideration of the cumulative effects on impacts that are individually found not to be significant, so for example a series of biodiversity impacts that are found to be individually not significant, when considered together may cumulatively be found to be significant (Hinkley C Connections Project Examining Authority Report to the Secretary of State (pdf)). The existing nuclear power station at Oldbury ceased generation in 2012, and is now being decommissioned. Go to South Gloucestershire Council. South Gloucestershire Council resumes Local Plan work after collapse of Priority 3 Promoting sustainable inclusive communities, infrastructure and growth. f) The most appropriate and robust materials, street furniture and finishes have been utilised, to create a sense of place which has variety and interest, while not adding clutter within the street scene. The contribution is calculated at 95 per tonne of carbon per year for 30 years. South Gloucestershire is well placed to take advantage of these opportunities, and is working with the other West of England authorities to achieve resilient, healthy, communities, an enriched environment, and a successful low carbon economy. But we have also drawn on the opportunities that have emerged from the emergency response to the pandemic in looking forward to the new norm; identifying new and better ways to keep residents informed, and working with individuals and groups who have stepped up during this time to help communities play an active role in finding local answers to local issues. The provisions and requirements set out in this policy will ensure all development meets a high level of design quality, addresses the Climate Emergency and leads to more sustainable development, places and spaces. We have an ageing population but recognise that most people as they get older want to remain independent for as long as possible. It is not proposed that a blanket reduction be applied in these areas as individual sites may be more (or less) suitable to a reduction but instead sets out areas where it is suitable for a reduction in car parking space provision. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? It will address the issues set out in the table above, providing where appropriate the Councils initial views on constraints and where possible potential planning, design, mitigation, legacy and community benefit opportunities that align with wider strategies, objectives and policies for the Council area. Parking to fronts should be enhanced by the use of finer paving materials and attention to landscaping between spaces essentially creating good driveways. We will recruit and retain people with the right skills and provide the right culture, leadership, and environment for our staff to do their jobs to the best of their ability. However, where a NSIP is in an adjacent or nearby authority, effects may be less. Additionally, we have sought to demonstrate the scale of the new approach we are taking to addressing issues affecting the most vulnerable. For non- residential development, only one policy option is presented which requires 100% reduction in carbon emissions (net zero carbon) arising from regulated energy use. are clear and accessible. The Council will also explore how a percentage reduction in car parking provision could allow a percentage increase in cycle parking provision, however the details of how this may work are yet to be determined. Renewable energy currently generated in South Gloucestershire delivers only 4.8% of the projected 2020 demand. We will further reinforce our inclusive culture where everyone feels able to participate and achieve their best. However, other technologies would be welcome too where appropriate. 5. Current policies and guidance - South Ribble Borough Council The Local Plan is made up of a number of documents which you can view in ouradopted planssection. These provide a framework to inform early engagement between the Council and a promoter of NNB at Oldbury. In addition, in order for relevant stakeholders, including local communities, to be able to understand how a NSIP is performing over time against all KPIs and relevant measures secured in the DCO and accompanying documents, monitoring against KPIs should be published annually on a project monitoring web site and a paper copy deposited in a suitable local publicly accessible venue. Live: M5 southbound near Bristol remains closed after tipper truck hits 21. The zones have been created based on the Urban Lifestyles approach with a focus on designated town centres and key transport hubs. The Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) plan forms part of the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, together with the Core Strategy and Joint Waste Core Strategy. All of these documents are used by the council when assessing planning applications. In addition to contributions, the Council may also require packages of community benefits to be provided by the developer to offset and compensate the community for the burden imposed by hosting the project. It may be appropriate in certain situations to retain and renovate existing buildings, where this forms part of a more sustainable approach to development, or where existing structures have local historic significance. Proposals for development where the primary function utilises, promotes or perpetuates reliance on fossil fuels, are considered to be in conflict with the policy and will not be acceptable. Our Local Strategic Partnership will have a particularly prominent role on those issues which require a joined-up approach across multiple partners, most notably in tackling the Climate Emergency, our ambitions to enhance educational attainment and in closing the inequality gap, Priority 1 Creating the best start in life for our children and young people. What are strategic and non-strategic policies? If a future or legacy use for any temporary development or construction area is not feasible or appropriate, the Council shall require a scheme of works to be agreed whereby: i. Higher residential densities will form a key part of this approach, balanced by lower parking requirements and a focus on the quality of the public realm. Local Plan 2020: Data and Access Profiles (DAPs) Data and Access Profiles (DAPs) To support production of our new Local Plan 2020 and provide evidence for adopted policies (CS8 and. There are several areas within the District where there are parking problems where demand exceeds the parking supply with resultant difficulties for travel, including waste collection and emergency services examples include the area around Kingswood High Street; Kings Drive and surrounding cul-de-sacs in Stoke Gifford; Hoopers Walk, Longwell Green; Edgeware Road, Staple Hill; St Barnabus Close, Warmley; Elmleigh Close, Mangotsfield; Lower Station Road, Staple Hill, and Whitsun Leaze within the relatively new development at Charlton Hayes, Patchway. The following list is based on input from consultation, engagement and topic-based assessments of existing knowledge of the site and large scale NNB proposals at other sites. The order of themes, issues constraints and opportunities set out in the table below does not at this stage infer relative priority at this stage In order to ensure the sustainability of development proposals and appropriate impact assessments, themes, issues and schemes should be considered in the round and cumulatively across the different topic areas set out below. 31. Schedule A Car Parking Provision Standards Residential, Schedule B Car Parking Provision Standards Non Residential, Schedule C Disabled User Parking Provision, Schedule D Cycle Parking Provision Standards, Motorcycle and Other Powered Two Wheelers. The contribution to the carbon offsetting fund set out under the fifth part of the sequence in Clause 1e should be used as a last resort where it is not possible to achieve sufficient on-site measures to reduce the carbon emissions by 100%. What evidence base will support the policy? 5. Given the importance of decommissioning the existing station, and the potential benefits of reusing the brownfield land to reduce the overall impact of NNB, when considering land use proposals at the existing Oldbury power station site, priority will sequentially be given to meeting the needs of: Decommissioning; Nuclear new build proposals; Other employment and/or green energy related uses. 23. Decommissioning of nuclear sites and release from regulation July 2018, Planning Portal definition of Proximity Principle. The following policy therefore addresses only the planning aspects of radioactive waste proposals. These should include plans for phasing, and triggers for the delivery of key supporting infrastructure in order to secure the timely implementation of mitigation. Proposals should be developed through early and effective engagement including with affected local communities and the Council. They also indicate how we are looking to review, and eventually replace our existing range of planning policies. Future stages of the Local Plan are being planned to progress alongside the Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) and more details will be provided as the SDS reaches criticial milestones. Unregulated energy includes cooking, appliances and other small power consumption. The Councils will continue their longstanding history of joint working and cooperate with each other and with other key bodies on strategic, cross boundary matters as they prepare their Local Plans.The evidence base prepared so far to inform the Spatial Development Strategy will be published on the WECA website and will be reviewed and used as appropriate to inform the Councils Local Plans. Significant weight will be given to outstanding or innovative designs which respond to positive, locally distinctive features. The key risks of climate change have been identified as coming from flooding, coastal change, high temperatures and new pests and diseases. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? Planning applications and development South Gloucestershire is a fast growing area, we are committed to creating more and better places to live and work. It should set out the overall parameters for the future evolution of the site, including: a) The existing, interim and end states for the site,:b) An outline phasing and timetable for worksc) The location and scale of existing and proposed structures, buildings, voids, boundary treatments and any proposals for their retention or modification,d) Demolition proposals both above and below ground;e) Proposals for new or changed earthworks, hardstanding or changes to land use and /or external appearance, including restoration where buildings are removed;f) Any locations, proposals and protection measures for onsite waste treatment, management and/or disposal of all types;g) The design approaches for new and altered buildings, structures and open areas,h) Strategic landscape and biodiversity proposals, including the management and or restoration of the mosaic of semi-natural and Priority Habitats for the benefit of protected Species across the Magnox estate, including the reinstatement of Lagoon 3 as open water for birds species associated with the estuary. An increasing proportion of the councils funding comes from what we receive from council tax and business rates and so it is natural that our key priorities and commitments are based on what you, our residents and local businesses, have told us is important to you. Any proposal to dispose of such waste on site will require planning consent as well as consent from the Environment Agency. The Keep it Local principle will see us commissioning more services and support from local voluntary and community groups who are best placed to support a new community conversation. preparation of a new West of England Mayoral Plan The Spatial Development Strategy. The Local Plan for South Gloucestershire is currently formed by the Core Strategy, the Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) Plan and the Joint Waste Core Strategy. Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches. Children and young people are our future, and we are determined to give them the very best start in life. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? Analysing the data and liaising with our education providers, we are aware of a cohort of predominantly white children from disadvantaged backgrounds who are behind their peers in their educational attainment. We also recognise that there are smaller cohorts of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic children and children from the gypsy and traveller community facing an even larger gap in attainment. Access to homes, jobs and services should be promoted and enhanced through the design process. Is the current approach still the right approach? The plan comprises a number of separate documents: Core Strategy. These should consider not only the individual effects of the proposals, but also any cumulative effects. You can read more in the Action Plans 1 6 document. 16. 6) Resources and lifespanWell-designed places should seek to maximise the contributions of natural resources such as the sun, ground heat and wind, and include passive measures for light, temperature, ventilation and heat. South Gloucestershire Council is in the process of developing a new Local Plan, which is the top-level planning document for the district, which establishes where we do and don't want to. Age UK South Gloucestershire is an independent local charity with its own locally elected board of trustees and is part of the Age UK network. 87% of our primary schools are rated Good or Outstanding. Local Plan 2018 - 2036. Our priorities are brought to life through a package of 20 commitments. It will be important therefore to assess the predicted impacts of the project over time, in order to determine either their acceptability or whether additional control measures and/or mitigation are required. New Local Plan for South Gloucestershire consultation - deadline 1st Ensuring we aim for high quality and progressive approaches is crucial if we are to positively address our declared Climate Emergency, build upon the lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic, and address inequalities across our communities.

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