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Setting boundaries or experiencing limits in your most profound intimate spaces has been a theme over the last few years. (Read our article all about the Saturn in Pisces transit here.). If money's coming in, then make . If you still need to get your dream journaling on point, this is the week to nail it. Without being TOO results-obsessed, treat all interactions as potential business deals, keeping your ears perked for win-wins. Gemini Put your creativity to use, Gemini! Embrace your inner sweet dream believer and float through this week. While there is an element in your life thats decidedly not as under your thumb as youre naturally comfortable with, theres also part of your life thats moving into a stable and productive flow. MAR 3, 2023 - Venus links up with the centaur Chiron in Aries today. Not the easiest transit to endure, but it will ultimately help you break free from patterns of self-sabotage, as well as what has been keeping you spiritually stagnant. Theyre a big kid with an eternally youthful spirit, the one who organizes family outings and adventurous vacations. Click here to get $10 free! On the other, switch it up and get active. Weekly Gemini Horoscope | Getting clear on your values requires a certain amount of humility from your part, but with Mercury the messenger slipping into Pisces that same day, you are presented with a new pair of rose-colored glasses, and an opportunity to dream a little bigger. If youre not formally recruiting, tap the creative, exploratory power of this mashup to figure out whats missing in your social or digital life. Wednesday to Sunday brings an increased desire for intimate relations and sexual satisfaction. As Friday approaches, this is the perfect time to reflect and plan. Then dress those up with printed tops, patterned ties and scarves and bright accessories. Manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce Gemini Weekly Horoscope It can be useful to reflect on all of the decisions, big and small, that have brought you to a point in time, to dream about all of the ways your life could have gone differently. Its time to get granular on your overarching beliefs and mission statement. Time for romance. Dealing with contradictory influences is always a challenge. Offer them up to the gods, as the ancients once did. Then, on March 30, Venus will connect with unconventional Uranus in its home sign of Taurus, which could bring an exciting album drop or artistic moment, and a great day to be spontaneous in love. Since Mars returned last August for what is normally a six week visit this has also been a chance to check in with the warrior planet and to get a sense of where to channel his passions, drive, competitive and warrior spirit. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Your weekly highlights: Money and Personal Growth You'll be zeroed in on building your sense of security while the confident sun is in your second house of income from Sunday, June 20 to Thursday, July 22. This was almost certainly about timing. Sensually driven Venus will be entering its sign of rulership, Taurus, where it will ignite your sixth house of daily routines, health habits, and acts of service. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine. Talk about a new beginning, Leo. Important details may suddenly resurface and on the dark side, overcomplicate your intuitive perception of things. Take a social sciences or humanitarian approach; themes could be around the use of technology. Air signs love the conceptual stage, so move your favorite ideas on and refine them. As the zodiacs communicator, uncensored conversation is one of their favorite things. So if you've had a cross to bear, get ready to cast it off! Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Will life start to feel like an episode of White Lotus? Youll discover where you went wrong, why things happened the way they did and, more important, youll be one hundred percent ready next time. Late Scorpios, you might still feel some heaviness or pressure to get your own room, home, authority, or control. Gemini Weekly Horoscope February 27 to March 5, 2023 Monday to Thursday is excellent for partying and making love. You've overcome a significant period of change, not to mention a serious level-up, but taskmaster Saturn's journey through your sign is almost over. Jupiter is ready to give some good news related to career and selection in the job but your positive approach is required to get the expected result. You are likely to be feeling very strong, and with good reason. Speaking of which, lady Venus will return to its home-sign Taurus, bringing abundance, stability and sensuality to themes surrounding your expansive ninth house of higher learning and self-discovery. The Lord of the Underworld is not only here to empower and transform you, but also help you unveil what's been hidden from your conscious mind. Youll either be celebrating your achievements or bringing to an end a long commitment and moving forward. To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories. A conversation that's been long-overdue could finally surface this month, but it's important for you to find balance between your compassion for others, and your individual truth, Sagittarius. Youre an impulse shopper, but you also bore easily. With supersizer Jupiter in Aries until May 16, a robust four weeks are in store. There's something unique you're meant to share with the rest of the world, and the full moon in Virgo on March 7 is bringing clarity and fruition to your 11th house of future visions. You can learn more at or follow Montgomery on Instagram @astro_allstarz. A significant duty is being completed, and with your ruler, Mercury, joining the sun in your partnership sector that same day, you could finally be surrendering to ebb and flow of your relationship dynamics. Your subconscious is more powerful, and you can control your feelings and behaviors. Your freedom is top of mind, and Mars' official debut into your sister sign Cancer on March 25 encourages you to trust your intuition, and follow your heart moving forward. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil: Unless someone comes to them directly to ask for help with an issue, they do their best to keep outta the biz of others. Look back over your achievements and hard work in this zone and give yourself some acknowledgment. This week, your nature will be seen as a little more vigilant about your health. Shortly after, the messenger planet will ingress into Pisces, joining the sun in your stability-seeking second house of money, comfort and value systems. Mark March 7 on your calendars, because this will be a Very Big Day. Although it won't be visible in the U.S, the weekend carries a total solar eclipsego with it, and eclipse that one habit, item, or relationship out of your life. Through this period, youve bit by bit built something for yourself. Gemini - Ruling Planets Fortunately with the sun and Mercury glimmering through your socially conscious 11th house of future visions for more than half of the month, you will be as inspired as ever to solidify your long-term goals, and dream team. Or was it you sharing your ideas and developing them as you went? And though being brutally honest with ourselves isnt always pretty, this months meticulous full moon in Virgo will support you as you wrap up this significant chapter, whether it be in terms of your health habits, or your work routine and general due diligence. March 1, 2023. It's easy to make friends today, and new relationships can lead to windfalls. Your year ahead forecast has changed. Allow yourself to be social and it can lead to success. It's a fantastic feeling but you also don't want to let your good fortune get ahead of you. Draw on this creative influence to amplify your already sharp intuitive faculty. You may be finally experiencing some important success after youve been through some difficulty. What, or who, are you ready to take into the next stage? You might have discovered a new hobby or had to fill a few extra hours indoors that felt more like a chore and a bore than spirit-elevating. Where to next? This week, you could. Dreams are part of your nonordinary waking reality, full of personal insight and sometimes prophetic understanding. Your weekly horoscope is here. Dear Geminis, this will be a suffocating week for you. If you were waiting for a significant amount of money to process, or for a loan to be finalized, this could be your lucky break. Order Your Copy Looking for your daily, weekly and monthly horoscope? That said, this will challenge you to reflect on the areas of communication where you've unconsciously sabotaged yourself in the past. You get to focus on yourself as the week beings, Gemini, but chances are your focus will shift as the days move along. | established in 2000, Your relationship with the females of each sign, Your relationship with the males of each sign, The female guide to love sex and compatibility. With limitless Jupiter fueling your impetus to exploridate, theres no telling whose arms youll be wrapped up in. Gemini Weekly Horoscope - Astrolis Provides you with unique and detailed insight into your Secret and Hidden Destiny that affects your most significant relationships. You're being called to nurture the connections that genuinely matter, so follow your intuition. As Saturn, the planet of practical, yet sometimes long, disciplined effort is about to leave this zone, its worth boiling down exactly what you believe and why. From learning a trade to enrolling in online classes, you can develop understanding in a structured setting.Speak your dreams into existence when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your career zone. The Gemini family member will get down on the floor and build a Lego castle, set up an Easter egg hunt, and tutor their kids on their homework for hours on end. While its easy for you to gush with enthusiasm, youll need to focus on whats in it for other people. This is a completion and full-circle moment, namely when regarding a joint venture and/or shared resource. The moon will also be renewing itself in this area of your chart on March 21, so be sure to set your intentions wisely. A Weekly Horoscope is an in-depth astrological analysis of the planets and their movements during the week. Pluto will be debuting in Aquarius and your 10th house of authority on March 23, bringing a pivotal prelude of what's to come. With that analysis, our team of expert astrologers, with years of experience backing them, give you the most accurate predictive guide for the week for each Zodiac Sign. The Three of Wands is a sign that your finances will improve. Gemini Weekly Horoscope Most of the time, you're skilled at mixing things up, at keeping your days fresh with new sights and sounds and experiences. Friends are where your heart is this season, Taurus. A new beginning in this area of life is almost inevitable, but with Pluto entering Aquarius on March 23, you could also be distracted by the intensity and transformation occurring in your personal life. Heres what the stars have in store for you this week. Your ruling planet, serious Saturn, is about to move into a new sign after 2.5 years in a position at odds with what you're typically about. On a brighter note, Venus will return to its sign of rulership, Taurus, where it thrives and exalts on March 16. Luckily, with the help of Venus' shift into Taurus activating your 11th house of associations, societal affairs, and individual freedom you have the stability and support of your community at this time. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, thenView saved stories. If you enjoy getting this content for free, please support. Translation? From there, you can pursue a desire, tell your truth to someone who needs to hear it, and ground yourself in integrity. New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings, Tarot Card Meanings by Psychic Revelation. It takes two to tango, but the only person you can truly speak for is yourself, Virgo. Youll be amazed at what manifests from that starting point. The Three of Wands refers to work in an extremely positive way. Bracelets, cufflinks, rings, stacked jewelry, clothes with a Bohemian or punk rock edge, patterned tops and dresses, black leather jacket over basically anything, Preppy neutrals, anything lacking personality, Zodiac sign illustrations byBodil Jane,The Grande DameandYoko Furusho. After all, it does begin with Mercury joining forces with Saturn in Aquarius via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, which can suggest the possibility of you partaking in a brutally-honest conversation on March 2. At best, this could bring some structure to creative and spiritual pursuits. Its all about who you know, Gemini.If youve been thinking about going back to school, now is the time to do it as Mercury conjoins Saturn in your expansion zone on Thursday. You will find that the brighter you shine, the more prosperity will come your way. December 18: Full Moon in Gemini. You could have a lot of interests in common with this person. That same day, Mercury will debut in nebulous Pisces, charging up your expansive ninth house of higher education, self-discovery, and unknown territory. The irony of this? Photo-Illustration: by Preeti Kinha; Photos: Getty. Make a decisive commitment to something you want, and leave no room for doubt. Because of which you will be seen taking better food than before. Over the next couple of weeks youll be ready to take your ambitions to the next level. The astrological new year is underway, fam. Speaking of, there will be a full moon in Virgo on the same day Saturn enters Pisces (your 11th house), potentially highlighting the gifts, talents and abilities you're ready to share with the masses. Accent yours with stacks of bracelets and rings, gloves and cuffs. Youll pick up a lot more of what is really being said. Or take them on yourself with some reflection or a conscious conversation with a significant other with whom you share a child, bank account, or other assets. Don't undermine this seasonal resting period, as it a sweet breather before you celebrate your birthday festivities later in April. Show your knowledge around a particular topic, step into your authority, and use how you communicate to convey that you mean business. On a brighter note, Venus will be entering its home sign Taurus, and your sensually driven second house of money on March 16. Its not their job to fix their familys problems, so they are better off tending to their own backyards instead. What they consider venting can do major damage to relationships between relatives. Madame Clairevoyant: Horoscopes for the Week of October 25. Mars finally concludes an extended seven-month visit to Gemini, Read the March 2023 monthly horoscope for your Sun sign here >, From Fitness to Relationships, Your Virgo Full Moon Horoscope Calls For A Clean-Up, Your Saturn in Pisces Horoscope for The 3-Year, Reality Melting Transit, Marchs Virgo Full Moon Blows the Whistle on Your Messy Habits, These Celebrities Are Finishing Their Saturn Return in Aquarius: Before and After, Saturn in Pisces Turns the World Inside Out for the Next Three Years (But Dont Panic), JSYK, The Venus in Aries Transit Is the Opposite of Cuffing Season. Nevertheless, you should always be optimistic about life and choose the right path and decisions. You may need to cut down your options for the best path forward. Monday and Tuesday, intense personal interactions show exactly how you feel about someone and how they feel about you. We hosted the action planet in the communication sign five times longer than its usual stayonce again, a lingering energy pattern that probably started to become habitual. Mars will move into Cancer from March 25 to May 20, where its said to be in fall (a weakened state since the yang energy of Mars isnt that comfortable in the yin waters of Cancer). December 28: Jupiter . Talking about your dreams, in a dream group or even upon waking, could encourage them to show up more regularly. The irony of this, however, is this month's full moon in meticulous (and Mercury-ruled) Virgo, as it will touch down on your stability-seeking second house of value systems and sense of security. If you've been considering moving in with your significant other, signing a new, long-term lease, or sharing your deepest, most heartfelt emotions with a loved one, now is the time to dive right in. Balance is everything. (For reference, think back to the August 2022 new moon in Virgo, as this lunation will more than likely bring something full circle.) Your weekly horoscope for the week of February 26 through March 4, 2023, as forecast by astrologer Astro All-Starz, a.k.a. This is a delicious transit for getting your flirt on, and/or simply basking in the delight of it all. Weekly Horoscopes for the Week of November 15 by the Cut Increased popularity, charisma, and charm make this a good time for dating. Your tender and sensual side compliments your raw passion and sex appeal to make you highly attractive. Youre a born superconnector, Gemini, and this week, you should liberally flex those skills on your own behalf. For instance, after the moon peaks in Virgo which will likely require you to surrender a mindset and/or health habit that isn't serving you Saturn will debut in Pisces, and your sixth house of mindfulness on March 7. As a mercurial Gemini, family can be a mixed bag. Gemini Weekly Horoscope Your mind is so quick and lively, and sometimes it seems like everyone else can hardly keep up. Weekly Horoscope Signs Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Weekly Horoscope February 27 to March 5 The times below are for New York. Since, wherever it flows, Venus IS the love planet, this could be a highly experimental week for Twins. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. Neptune in Pisces may produce a strongly Piscean type or Neptunian type this week, either in your love life or your professional life. All rights reserved. Spring Equinox: Everything You Need to Know - Gemini Weekly Horoscope from February 27 to March 5 by The AstroTwins You're a born superconnector, Gemini, and this week, you should liberally flex those skills on your own behalf. However, you need to maintain a determined outlook to achieve success. Or simply your trusted confidant. 7, shaking up your curious third house of communication, short trips, and immediate surroundings, just an hour or so before Saturn enters Pisces. Defining your ideas is essential as this period finalizes its two-and-a-half-year run and aligns with the planet of communication and intellect. Explore shared values with colleagues and steer conversations toward common goals. Note any addictive impulses you might have, and steer yourself toward affirming pastimes and not-so-guilty pleasures. On January 12, 2020, Saturn and shadowy Pluto made a historic conjunction (meetup) in Capricorn for the first time since 1518. Its been a solid slog in your work and wellness zone since March 2020, and thank your lucky stars, this is the final week. You're being encouraged to be as bold and as courageous as ever on this new journey, and Mars' shift into your sign on March 25 is equivalent to your emotional suit and armor. In this case, this week, Jupiter and Venus are promoting progress and happiness while Saturn and Mercury are doing precisely the reverse. That same day, Saturn will enter Pisces, bringing stability and discipline to everything from your creative pursuits to your personal branding, but there's more. This will be a busy period for you, and youll need to be more discerning about which invitations you accept. Cocktail parties double as perfect networking opportunities: Have your elevator pitch rehearsed and ready to deliver. After all, with savvy Mercury (your celestial ruler) entering Pisces and your 10th house of authority on March 2, there will not only be more emphasis on professional matters, but a lot less logic than you're used to. Since the Venus-Jupiter merger is going down in your tech sector, single Twins will be the lucky ones on the apps. Before that, take a retrospective view of your family, domestic life, and roots, and appreciate the ground youve covered. With the moon in your sign cozying up to alluring Venus in dreamy Pisces, there's no reason to go against the grain and try to click with difficult. The first planet to move is Saturn, which will shift into Pisces on March 7, 2023, in sync with the Virgo full moon. Held back by the time spend in Gemini, Mars will be keen to make up for lost time and especially with Saturn returning to your career sector early next week.

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